Services with different margins (eg Setup, Freight)
By default, if you include a service as a line item in the configuration of a products pricing (eg freight, artwork etc…) BE applies your column margin/markup to it’s cost and rolls it into a single unit sell price.
There are ways to separate these line items by using the +Add row function (see here in $ Adding pricing) – but the margin/markup applied is still the same, the prices are just split out.
So – how do you quote different margins for services within the same product? (eg Freight)
There is a way…
Once you have configured and completed the Product pricing – go to the bottom of the current products price set, beneath the Appearance on quote section, and click on +Add another price set
This function is also used to give the client product options (eg same product with different decoration techniques applied) – but is flexible.
Freight Example
When the new price set opens, click on $ Add pricing – and instead of adding product pricing, slide across to the (eg) Freight tab, select and add a freight option.
Back on the quote page, change the display name as needed…
…then add column breaks that represent the product volumes already quoted and edit freight costs for each tier.(as needed)
Apply margins/markups – or designate a Total Sell for each column
In Appearance on quote – deselect the Unit price check box to display a total (eg)freight sell price on the quote.
Setup Example
The process to create a separate price set for setup is a little more involved as this is usually associated with either a decoration or product cost as well
- Create the new price set as above.
- Add price for the decoration type or product
- Delete the Unit price via the hamburger menu on the left of the added product costs line item
- Change the Display Name and add tiers as needed.
- Apply margins/markups – or designate a Total Sell for each column
- In Appearance on quote – deselect the Unit price check box to display a total setup sell price on the quote.
…and there you have an individual services price broken out from, but still associated to, a product price.
Just remember – when you convert this to a Job, that you need to select the service as well as the product so it flows through to invoicing/po’s.
The method could also apply to services like Setup, Artwork, Pick’n’Pack, 3PL etc… if they have different profit levels or need to be broken out/itemised on quotes.