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Cancelling Jobs

If the job is not proceeding, you can cancel it, though some rules do apply.

In either case, click at the top of the screen to begin the process.

Brandengine will now check if any PO’s have been actioned
(ie – are not in Draft mode)

Job has ACTIVE Purchase Orders

If PO’s are identified as being active (eg – sent), BE will prompt you to cancel them before you can proceed.

Purchase Orders listed have a Quicklook link that will provide you additional details and a View shortcut.

NO Active Purchases Orders

If all PO’s for the Job are either in Draft mode (ie – Not sent) or have already been cancelled, a pop up will appear prompting you to provide details for the cancellation.

Enter the required information and click Cancel Job
(IMPORTANT – this is irreversible)

Any Purchase Orders that were in Draft Mode will now be cancelled.

Brandengine does not delete cancelled entities (eg Jobs, PO’s.)
These are stored for future reference and can be accessed via the relevant summary screen or in the associated Project by clicking

Cancel Accounting Invoices in MYOB/Xero

Brandengine can not cancel invoices in your accounting package.

This will need to be done in your accounts package and update retrieved in Brandengine from the associated Project or via the Invoices summary screen
– eg:

Cancel Sales Invoices in Brandengine

If you are not connected to an external accounts package, or the sale has not yet been sent to your accounting platform, the BE generated Sales Invoice can be voided by Cancelling the Quote that generated the sale.

A new sale from the same (albeit modified) quote can be created by generating a revision of the quote.
(Yes, this can be done from cancelled quotes.)

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