…but Politely – (AI Diplomacy tool)
This AI tool started as a bit of a lark, but has turned into one of our most popular artificial intelligence additions.
You can access this great tool from anywhere in BE via the main menu, and it will appear in a Quicklook panel on the right of screen

In short …but Politely allows you to off load your thoughts in as raw a form as needed and our Ai will compose a congenial, professional version of the same sentiment – it’s a real time saver and a great tool to utilise when you don’t have the time (or head space) to craft the text required to address an issue.
Initially intended as a mental health tool, …but Politely provides users a way to vent their frustrations at clients (yes, language regarded as offensive is accepted) that is then diplomatically crafted into text, with the same intent, that can be copied and used in whatever medium you require.
(The language used in the example below has been toned down so as not to offend)

However – during further testing we found it works in various ways.
Long day (or week) and your brain is not functioning on all cylinders, or you just don’t have the bandwidth the create professional sounding text that conveys your point of view. …but Politely will even work with short, almost bullet point type, input.

Using some additional prompts, you can re-assign the intended recipient – eg from clients to suppliers.

Once you have diplomatic text you’re happy with, simply hover over the text in the blue box and click to copy for use where ever you need.

We’d be interested to hear how you use …but Politely – these examples are likely just scratching the surface of use cases.
As always, we recommend you proof (and adjust as needed) all AI generated copy before launching it on the world – but this is a great way to get things started