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Using Total Sell – things to keep in mind

The Margins block is a very smart table that allows you to modify sell pricing based on 1 of 4 different fields:

  • Markup/Margin
  • Total Profit
  • Unit Sell
  • Total Sell

Rather than being restricted to establishing the sell price by a markup/margin – you are able to dictate the dollar values for profit level or sell price/s

Each field can be adjusted to determine the final sell price for the quantity break based on your preferences or your clients budget.


Altered fields that influence the final price will change from blue to green for easy identification.
(The default determining field is margin/markup)

When altering a particular field, the other 3 fields will automatically update in response to the change.

Using “Total Sell” – things to remember

Conventional pricing has a maximum of 2 decimal places (eg – $100.00 or $100.23)
sorry to state the obvious…had to set the scene

Through the wonders of mathematics, when you divide one number by another – you don’t always get a result that is exactly 2 decimal places.

Total Sell (entered) – $900.00
Quantity – 265pcs
Unit Sell – $3.3962

To display a conventional price per unit on the quote – Brandengine will round the unit sell to $3.40


…however… $3.40 * 265 = $901.00 (not $900.00)

This mathematical aberration will then impact 2 areas:

  • Quote Totals per Quantity break – the displayed calculations will be incorrect (ie: 265 x $3.40 ≠ $900)
  • Invoices – If invoiced at $3.40 per unit – line/invoice total will be $901.00

If you are presenting quotes that are formulated by an entered Total Sell amount, Brandengine does make the results of the original calculation available to reference.

To see this – click inside the Unit Sell field.


Total Sell – the work around

If you are using the Total Sell field in your quotations, we recommend you check for the above anomaly by clicking inside the Unit Sell field to see if the value has more than 2 decimal places. (eg $3.3962)

If it does have more than 2 decimals, re-enter the conventional Unit Sell price that BE has presented you (eg $3.40)


Yes, this will alter the Total Sell value slightly – but your presented quotation calculations and your invoicing will be 100% accurate (…and it’s still easier than reaching for the calculator)

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