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Freight Tracking – Quicklook

The Freight Tracking Quicklook enables you to record, review, and update shipment information from anywhere within BE and is accessible via the Main Menu on the left of screen (MainMenu > General > Freight Tracking)

When the logistics company’s Track & Trace is connected to our Third Party shipping API, the Auto track feature automatically updates you on the progress of consignments.

If the freight company is not API-connected, you can use the Track manually option. This allows you to record consignment details and update statuses in a centralised location, making it easy for everyone to view and interact with the information.

Adding a tracking number

Clicking will open the add a new tracking number dialogue box for you to record relevant details, tags and notes. – read more >>>

Tip ~ The Freight Tracking Quicklook offers an easy way to add con notes to your jobs without needing to locate the associated job. You can assign the con note to the job(s) upon entry or update it later.

Freight Tracking is also included in individual Jobs and production Timelines.

P.S.: Using the Freight Tracking Quicklook – con notes can be tracked that are not associated with any jobs in your system.

Sort by

This filter helps you locate shipments based on the below criteria;

Last update, most recent
Displays freight cards in descending date order, with the newest updates at the top.

Last update, least recent
Displays freight cards in ascending date order, with the oldest updates at the top.

Date added, newest
Displays freight cards in descending order of date added, with the most recently added at the top.

Date added, oldest
Displays freight cards in ascending order of date added, with the least recently added at the top.

Freight cards will be displayed in status order based on shipment activity progressing from Pending >>> Delivered

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