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Is the Purchase Order in Xero?

Brandengine makes it easy to identify if a Supplier Purchase Order has been sent to Xero (and then gives you a quick way to send them if they aren’t)

On the Purchase Order Summary Board

This is accessible from the Main Menu – MainMenu>Activity>PurchaseOrders – and provides an overview of any PO’s created in BE.

Use the Filters and Sort functions to create & save various custom views/reports based on your requirements. This summary board includes the In Xero column allowing you to easily view this status.

Click on the PO# in the ID column to launch the Purchase Order and check and update the in Xero status.

No, PO has not been sent to Xero

A notification banner advises if the PO is in Xero and gives you the ability to send it across.

If the vendor is not connected to Xero you will be given the ability to link vendor

Yes, PO has been sent to Xero

A green status banner appears with the “locked” message

You are given the ability to request an update from Xero if there are any variances with the Supplier invoice being entered by your accounts team.

In the Project in the Purchase Order block


The relates to the status of the PO in relation to the goods supply
eg – Sent to Supplier, Invoiced, Received
(Not it’s status in Xero)

No, PO has been sent

  • A notification banner is present.
  • You will be able to Send the PO to Xero provided the Vendor is Linked

Yes, PO has been sent

  • No banner is present
  • You are able to request an update from Xero

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