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Timeline Status

The Timeline status bar gives you a visual reference as to where things are at. This is presented at the top of each timeline in your Job.

Tip ~ Individual Timeline status summaries are also displayed in the Job Overview for your convenience.

The status progression is governed by the Rules for this Job, meaning it may move automatically based on your settings. However, it can also be manually adjusted as needed.

There are two ways to move the status manually. These methods can work independently or together, depending on the desired outcome.

Revert & Mark

To the right of the status bar are 2 text buttons with direction arrows. These will vary based on the current timeline status.

Revert to… will take the status back one step

Mark as... will move the status forward one step

Current Location

This Current Location tool sits below the timeline.

If you select Preproduction or Delivered here, the status bar will also adjust accordingly.

Marking a Timeline as Complete

Depending on your company policy, Items in a Timeline that have been Delivered may not be deemed Complete.

This may be for a number of reasons, for example

  • A Job is not complete until the invoice has been sent
  • A Job is not complete until the invoice is paid

There are multiple ways to “Complete” timelines;

  • Once the status of individual timelines reaches Delivered, you will be able to select
  • from the top of the screen. This gives you the option to finalise all outstanding elements in the entire Job.

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