Product Info
For each product in your quote there are multiple areas of information
Above each product block you will find:
- Edit functionality
- Quicklook
- Check Stock
- Our Website (not on our website)
- Supplier Website link
- Supplier Name
- Supplier Item Code

Edit functionality
This let’s you override a host of product attributes and store the changes in your database for future use by everyone in your team. (eg – if the product description needs cleaning up)
You can store notes about the product for internal consumption. (eg – doesn’t engrave well)
The Prices tab gives you the ability to add your own pricing for this product (eg -Preferred prices)
Any information you add/change here doesn’t permanently override the information from Promodata. Once your edits are deleted, the original Promodata info will re-appear.
Regarding Prices – If you add your own prices, when quoting you will be given the option to use either Promodata prices – or – your own Database prices loaded for this product.
For more detailed info on Editing items – please click here
Displays a range of extra product info including product attributes, data source, change log time stamps, images…etc. This information does, and will, vary by supplier.
Check Stock
If the supplier is API connected and has enabled this inventory function, you can check stock on hand with a live request to the suppliers database directly from within Brandengine.
Our Website (not on our website)
If, when editing this product record, you have included a link to this product on your public website, this active link will read “Our Website”. If no url has been entered, inactive text reading “not on our website” will show.
Supplier Website link
Link to this product on the suppliers website (If provided by the supplier)
Supplier Name
Who’s supplying this product
Supplier Item Code
The suppliers original product code for this item.
This appears on PO’s and communication with the supplier.
This won’t appear on the quote unless you override the “Distributor Item Code” in the edit function – or enter it into the quote manually.
The 1st block contains product information.
This includes:
- Distributor Item Code
- Item Name
- Product Image
- Product Notes (In Database)
- Product Notes (Attached to Quote)
- Show on quote
- Product Description
- Available Colours

NB – All of the elements in this block can be altered – however – any product info changes made directly into this block will only be visible in this quote and are one time only. If you wish to make permanent product detail changes, please use the Edit functionality mentioned above.
Distributor Item Code
Your unique system generated product code.
The prefix of this code are set by your Super Admin (eg.YC)
The last 4 digits are the data record number as the product is added to your database (either from Promodata or entered manually by you/your team)
You can search for this code with results appearing in the “Your Database” or “Products” tab in your catalogue.
Item Name
The product name.
If you have made no changes to the product data record, this will be the original product name as it appears in Promodata – otherwise it will be the new name you have given the product in the Edit function.
Product Image
The suppliers hero image will display by default. By clicking “Change Image” you can select from other supplier provided images to include in your quote – or – you can load your own image/mock up.
Product Notes (In Database)
(The yellow box)
A place to record internal notes regarding your experience with this product that you want to share with others in your team. As it’s in the product database, this note will be accessible anywhere the product is viewed. (This is the same note field that is in the “Edit” function) Clients do not see this field.
Product Notes (Attached to Quote)
(The blue box)
Notes entered into this field are only visible in “this” product block and in “this” quote. Use cases may include information on your clients requirements/expectations on this product (eg – colours, decoration position, etc…) Clients do not see this field.
Show on quote
On a quote-by-quote basis you can chose to hide the Item Code, Description and Colours by deselecting corresponding boxes

Product Description
Information as provided by the supplier. (or edited by your team)
If you want to add more, you can review the Details tab in the Quicklook mentioned above, or type in your own text.
Available Colours
Product colour names as provided by the supplier (or edited by your team)
Tip: If you go back to an existing quote and can’t edit the details, it’s likely been locked. – To unlock go to the top right hand corner and click on the red padlock. You will then be given the option to unlock the quote to make changes, or to create a revision so the original quote is unaltered