Edit Users
Team Members can only be setup by your Administrator – however you do have the ability to edit most of your details.
To alter your User details Click on your name on the bottom left of the screen and select Edit User.
The pop up that appears gives you the ability to edit your name/s and phone number.
It also allows you to;
- Edit your email address
- Edit your system Avatar
- Edit Email “from” name
- Nominate your Replacement user
- Set your Away status
Edit your email address
Your email address is locked to help avoid mistaken changes.
To modify your email address, you will first need to unlock the field by clicking on the padlock.
NB – Before editing, please check with your admin to make sure that your email address is supported, otherwise you may not be able to send emails. – Read this article first
IMPORTANT: – Your email address is your key to Brandengine. If you enter an inaccessible address, you will be locked out.
Edit System Avatar
To edit your system avatar, click Change to upload the image would you would like to be associated with.
(This is only visible in your version of Brandengine. Clients do not see this image)
Edit Email “from” name
By default – the “from” name on all outgoing emails will be formatted as:
YourFullName | YourCompanyName
Feel free to enter new details as required
Nominate your Replacement user
This is the colleague that will attend to your clients if you are unable to
Set your Away status
When you are on leave, or sick, turn the Away switch on and Brandengine will automatically make your Enquiries, Quotes, Projects and Jobs visible by your Replacement User for easy access.
Tip – If your Replacement User does a quote for you while you are away they can Change account manager on the quote page, so you are still the contact.