Enquiry details – Quotes – Files (Artwork & Documents)
Enquiries are a digital folder that contains the initial information about your particular clients activity or program.
To access the Enquiry details page
- Go to the Enquiries summary page (MainMenu>Activity>Enquiries)
- Locate the Enquiry of interest and click on the ID number that has a P prefix (first column)
You can also view all of a specific clients Enquiries & Projects in their Company details page
(MainMenu>Database>Companies) locate your clients company, click on the ID number then scroll down to the Enquiries & Projects block
The Enquiry details page will include:
- The Date the goods or service are required by & Briefing notes
- Quote/s (+Add New or View existing)
- Files and documents that relate to the campaign
“Enquiries” are still “open” and as such have not had any Quotes accepted by the client and no further action has been taken apart from quoting.
The “Enquiries” summary screen (MainMenu>Activity>Enquiries) provides an easy view of client requests that have not yet progressed to a sale.
Once any quote in the Enquiry is accepted by your client, the folder then becomes a “Project”
Project Artifacts (Entities and Email)
At the very top left of the Enquiry page (In between the Enquiry number and name) you will see a blue project icon.

This gives you access to information that has led to this point of this enquiry. (informational hierarchy)
Clicking this icon also give allow you to see emails sent (or received) by Brandengine that relate to this Enquiry and the subsequent Project & Jobs
Enquiry Details
Once you’ve clicked into an Enquiry, you can alter core details by clicking “Edit”
Functions include:
- Ability to manually override the status. In particular the ability to assign “Contacted” or “Closed” statuses as these are not triggered by system events.
- Assigning relevant tags to the enquiry (tags are setup by your admin)
NB – Tags assigned at Enquiry level are classified as “Project tags” and are global. This means that they will follow the Enquiry from start to finish. These can only be edited in the Enquiries and Projects details pages - Changing the enquiry name
- Changing the Account Manager and/or client contacts
- Changing/assigning a Production Manager (if enabled in settings)
- Indicate an Estimated order value (used in reports etc…)
- Change/assign the contact/s for thr enquiry/project
- Indicate Success probability (used in reports etc…)
- Assigning the Enquiry type and Enquiry source (as defined by your admin)
- Recording the Goods required by/due delivery date for the goods (this flows through into production)
- Recording the Quote required by date
- Recording any briefing notes/general info on the enquiry that might be useful as the enquiry progresses through your system.

Cancel an Enquiry
If an enquiry doesn’t progress you can +Cancel Enquiry at the top of the Enquiry details block.
You will then be asked for a reason which must be supplied before the final Cancel Enquiry button becomes active.
This changes the Enquiry status to Cancelled and hides it from the default Enquiries summary view.
To view cancelled Enquiries – go to the top of the summary screen and click on the Include Cancelled button
- Create new quotes by clicking “+Add”

- See current proposal/s for this enquiry and their status (including cancelled quotes and old revisions)
- Access any quote shown by clicking “View”
Artwork & Documents
Brandengine includes the ability to store relevant files directly against your clients enquiries and projects.
These can then be accessed from within main client record (Database>Companies) or can be attached outgoing emails such as purchase orders.
These files will be available for collaboration with your colleagues as needed.
File you may want to store here include style guides, briefing notes, approved art etc…
- A maximum of 5 files can be loaded at any one time
- The maximum file size is 20Mb
- Supported file types include
- Bitmaps: jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tif, gif, heic, webp
- Vectors & other images: svg, ai, ps, pdf
- Documents: txt, text, rtf, doc, docx, docm, dot, dotx, dotm, odt, ott, fodt
- Spreadsheets: csv, tsv, xls, xlsx, xlsm, xlt, xltx, xltm, ods, ots, fods
- Zip files: zip, zipx, rar, gz, gzip, 7z, s7z

The file name of uploaded files is an active link
Clicking on this will open a quick look panel where you can record more info on the uploaded file… from this panel you can download the file
Click Edit to:
- Add/Edit file tags
- Change the filename title
- Set file visibility
- Record notes on the file (eg PMS/CMYK Colours, links to style guides etc…)
To Delete files, click on the bin icon underneath each file/image.
Tasks & Notes
On the right of the screen is the action bar.
This contains the ability to assign Tasks for this Enquiry/Project, and include extra Notes.
Project Tasks can be assigned to team mates, or to yourself, and include a deadline date (or not)
When creating an Enquiry/Project specific task from within an Enquiries details page, a Project shortcut link can be inserted into the task to provide easy navigation by the recipient.
Linked Tasks created on a details page – will appear in 3 places:
- On the Dashboard task bar
- In the Tasks panel quicklook panel (accessible from the MainMenu)
- In the related Project details window
Any interaction with the task (eg – editing, completion) – will be reflected in both locations.
For more info on Task Management – Click Here
Any text inserted in the Notes tab are only visible from within the associated Enquiries screen