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Items – The Product Catalogue Page

Brandengine is integrated with Promodata – the promo industry product database – and your BE subscription includes full access to all Promodata info.

The information in Promodata is maintained by Vendors (not by Brandengine).

Some Vendors are connected via API which means that their info & pricing is checked every 24hrs for updates.

Vendors not on API supply their product updates via CSV files – and it is their responsibility to keep this current.

The Items page (MainMenu/Database/Items) allows you to Explore Promodata products as well as any items that you have loaded into Your Database. This is the same product catalogue, information and functionality that you will see when you Add Items to a quote – except for the +Add button.

You may visit this page to search for ideas, see the latest products or to add/maintain products.

The page is broken up into the following sections:

Search & Sort

At the top of the Items window is a quick search tool…


  • Search Items
    The Search box allows you to quickly get results for a range of open text queries including product names, product codes, keywords etc…

Relevant results of this search will display in the various tabs beneath and provide an item count with the green icon Brandengine--Items---Count

  • Sort by
    This drop down allows you to sort visible products by a range of criteria (in each tab)The default view is Newest in Database which will display recently added products to Promodata and Your Database


Items Tabs provide quick access to a range of item classifications.


These include:

  • Explore Promodata
    The full Promodata database at your finger tips. – This is the default tab when you open the Items page.
  • Latest in Promodata
    New additions to Promodata over the past month
  • Your Database
    This will contain 2 types of products.
    1 – When a Promodata product is quoted, it is brought into Your Database where you can edit details and add preferred pricing (whilst staying connected to Promodata for updates)
    2 – Items that you have added to Your Database. This may include products and services like decoration and freight etc…
  • Products
    Breaks out the physical products in Your Database
  • Services
    Shows service based items only (like decoration, artwork and freight) that you have added.
  • Favourites
    We all have products we prefer to quote/supply. When you favourite an item by clicking on the star Brandengine--Items---Favourite-Starthey are displayed in this tab for quick access.


To specifically refine the items you are looking at, you’ll want to refer to the filters menu on the left of screen. – (NB – This is still a work in progress)

When selected, these filters apply settings to all tabs on the screen, with a results count indicated on each tab with the green icon Brandengine--Items---Count

Tip – All Filters can be set back to their default state by clicking on the  link at the top of the filters menu

  • Show Only
    Any selections made here are prioritised in your search results when using other filters.
    Custom Items – displays items that have been entered into your version of Brandengine by your company team members.(This doesnt included edits to Promodata products)
    Items with prices – Some vendors have opted not to, or are unable to, provide pricing (eg – bespoke indent products) – select this option to show only items with pricing
    Items with images – (Selected by default) most items have images – however when you load up your own items (eg decoration) there maybe no image loaded against this data record. Whilst Show only – Items with Images – is selected – these items will not be visible in the catalogue view.
    Items with stock check – API enabled vendors are given the option to provide immediate online inventory checks. This can be accessed at various points in BE. To only view products with online stock check, select this filter.
    Items from API suppliers – Application Programming Interface enabled suppliers have integrated their internal database with PromoData. This means that product info is automatically kept up to date as it is checked every 24hrs.
    New Items – Who doesnt love new products. This filter displays products that have been added to PromoData and Your Database in the past month.
    Non-discontinued items – (Selected by default) – when active only current products will be displayed.
  • Search Type
    Normal: Traditional search. good when you know exactly what you’re looking for, eg product codes, names etc
    AI Boosted: We run an additional AI search (that understands the intent of the search) in parallel with a traditional search, and then combine the results. Useful for more general searches.
    eg – try searching for “Polo”- in both normal and AI Boosted mode.
  • Vendors
    In this section there is 2 dropdowns.
    These allow you to isolate products shown by region (AU/NZ) and to nominated suppliers. Multiple suppliers can be selected at the one time.
    NB – any selections made in the Show only filter will impact the way Vendors are listed in the drop down. A text based search can also be conducted.
  • Colours
    Provides a drop down selection menu of standardised colours associated to products in Promodata (as opposed to more fashionable colour names used by some suppliers). Multiple colours can be selected at the one time.
    NB – any selections made in the Show only filter will impact the way Colours are listed in the drop down. A text based search can also be performed.
  • Categories
    Multiple product categories can be selected at the one time.
    NB – any selections made in the Show only filter will impact the way Product types are listed in the drop down. A text based search can also be conducted.

Item Information

The product catalogue view has the same layout & functionality whether you access it through a quote – or – from the Items page ~ except, on the Items page you can’t add an item to a quote.

Products are presented in a familiar e-commerce style whereby if you click on a product, a Quicklook pop-up will appear with more info.

…but let’s first have a look at what information is presented to you in the catalogue view.(Example product below)

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 3.14.06 pm
  • Top Left
    Supplier Product Code with the Supplier name directly beneath.
  • Top Right
    Product Data Quick reference icons

Brandengine---in-Database db = green if the product is in Your Database (either you’ve added a product not in Promodata – or – you’ve imported/interacted with a product in Promodata)

Brandengine---from-Promodata pd = blue when this product is from Promodata

Brandengine---Verified-product vp = cyan when the product data is Verified

Brandengine---Stock-Check sc = purple when Stock Check is enabled

Brandengine---New-Product nw = yellow if this item is New (has been added to the database in the last month)

Brandengine---Favourite-Item star = yellow when the item is set as a Favourite by you or members of your team.

  • Image Caption
    Vendors product name (Under the image)
  • Bottom Left
    Brandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu Hamburger menu with more clickable options – these will depend on the “state” of the product and are listed below:Brandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu---Quicklook = Quicklook pop-up with more product info. A pop-up will also appear if you click anywhere in the item window (except on the Hamburger menu).Brandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu---Import-an-Item-from-Promodata = Import an item from Promodata into Your Database (to allow editing)Brandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu---Edit-Item = Edit an items info. If this is a Promodata item, editing will not affect any product/pricing updates posted by the Vendor. Brandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu---Check-Stock = Check Stock of an item. Will show if this feature is enabled by an API Connected Supplier. Click on the icon to perform an immediate inventory call of the vendors database for this product.Brandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu---Favourite-an-Item = Favourite an item once it’s in Your DatabaseBrandengine--Items---Hamburger-Menu---Un-Favourite-an-Item = Un-Favourite an item (or click on the Yellow star)

Create Items

You can add your own products and services to Your Database in Brandengine. These will only be accessible by team members in your organisation.

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