Tasks (To-do list)
Tasks (or your To-Do List) is accessible from 2 places within Brandengine
- On your Dashboard – the right hand action bar is occupied by Tasks
- At the top of the MainMenu (General>Tasks Panel)
This is where you can
- Set “to-do” actions for yourself and/or your colleagues
- See activities assigned to you by your colleagues – and – reminders that you have set for yourself.
Tasks can also be linked to specific Projects within Brandengine (Great for follow ups).
Each Task receives a unique number for easy reference – this prefixed with TD

The Task bar will also tell you how many tasks you have left to perform.
Tasks can be set with a deadline – or – without (Other tasks), regardless of where you create them.
Tasks WITH a deadline
To create an unlinked task with a due date – go to the Dashboard and click Add Task

The Create a new task pop up will appear

Enter the task name and additional details as required
(A name is the minimum requirement)
Select a due date from the Deadline calendar
(If the task has no date assigned, it will appear in the Other tasks tab in the task bar)
Assign a recipient for the task.
(If this is left blank, the task will default to you)
Be sure to click Save when done

In your Tasks with deadline tab on the Dashboard these will be sorted and colour coded based on the due date allocated
Red – Overdue
Orange – Due by today
Blue – Due by tomorrow
Green – Upcoming (due in 2 days or more)
Tasks assigned to other Team Members will also appear on their Dashboard, in a similar fashion, under Tasks with a deadline
(Condensed View)

(Expanded by clicking on the down chevron on the right of the task)

Other tasks (no deadline)
To create an unlinked task with no deadline – go to the Dashboard and click Add Task

The Create a new task pop will appear

Enter the task name and additional details as required
(A name is the minimum requirement)
Do not select a Deadline date
Assign a recipient for the task.
(If this is left blank, the task will default to you)
Be sure to click Save when done

Tasks assigned to other Team Members with no due date will also appear on their Dashboard under Other tasks
(Condensed View)

(Expanded by clicking on the down chevron on the right of the task)

Linked Tasks
When a task is created on an Activity details page (using the Tasks Panel link in the MainMenu), or directly on a Project details page, you will be given the option to link the task to this Project

An Activity is classified as an Enquiry, Quote, Project, Job or Purchase Order.
If you deselect this – the task will revert to being general in nature (not linked to a project)
NB – This doesn’t happen from the Summary pages
When a task is created this way the name will contain a link that opens up a Quicklook panel (on the right of screen) that will give you quick access to all the details and entities associated with this Project.
These can be created with or without deadlines.
Tip: Linked Tasks with Deadlines are a great way set follow up reminders for Enquiries, Quotes and Orders in Production
Linked Tasks created on a details page – will appear in 2 places:
- On the Dashboard task bar
- In the related Project details window
Any interaction with the task (eg – editing, completion) – will be reflected in both locations.
(Task Bar view with link in task name)

( Project Quicklook panel after clicking the link in the task name above)

Completed Tasks
Once a task is finished, check the circle to the left of the task name – and it will receive a Completed status and appear at the bottom of the task bar.
If this was a mistake – or the task needs to recommence – you can always deselect the green tick in the circle – or – click Uncomplete in the expanded view
( Condensed View)

( Expanded View)

When you are happy this entry is no longer needed – press Delete – this will remove the task from the system.