The Sale! – Approve Quote and Create a Job (inc. Invoices & Purchase Orders)
When your client has accepted your quote and you make a sale – a digital Job bag is created that will contain all the necessary information and Purchase Orders for this order to proceed.
When an Enquiry contains a sale, it is converted to a Project – the project contains everything associated with the sale/s for that specific activity/campaign – Jobs, PO’s, BE-Invoices, Quotes, Files etc…
This process starts in the Quote that is to be accepted, under the Summary tab on the right of screen (where you would have added items to the quote)
Here you will see a summary of products quoted (with variations and quantities)
To indicate the variation and quantity to be ordered, check the corresponding Use? box for each product required.

Brandengine then provides a financial summary of the order under Totals for selected quantities
On selecting all product/s variations to be ordered, go to the bottom of screen and click on Approve and create a Job

Brandengine will then display a summary of vendors to receive PO’s in order to produce the items selected. If you don’t require a PO for one (or more) of the vendors, deselect the corresponding check box. The required PO’s will then be created & displayed in the digital Job bag for further action.

If the order contains multiple products from the one supplier, in the one quote, Brandengine will consolidate these items into the one purchase order.
You will also be given the option to push an invoice for the ordered products through to your Accounting package (if integrated).
Before proceeding with invoicing, be sure your client has been linked to their corresponding record in your Accounting package to ensure correct invoice allocation.
(Xero example below)

If your customer has come back ordering a product quantity that was not quoted (eg Quoted 50pcs – Orders 55pcs) – simply go back into the quote (or create a revision) add the new quantity as required and follow the steps above. This will then flow through to Invoices, Jobs and PO’s. with accurate info.
Ordering Items from Multiple Quotes
Sometimes the client will order products from multiple quotes that you have submitted for the same event or campaign.
To keep things tidy and assist in Job management – Brandengine gives you the option to add products from different quotes, within the same Enquiry/Project, to the same Job.
NB – this function is only available with quotes generated in the one/same Enquiry/Project
Whilst these products will be added to an existing Job, New Purchases orders are created for products residing in different Quotes. These will still be visible in the existing Job.

Order Changes
If a quote has been approved and the client comes back and wants to make changes, you can Regenerate the Job as well as associated Purchases Orders (and Invoices if linked to an accounting package like Xero)
To do this, go back to originating Quote/s – unlock the quote to make the required changes and then Regenerate – paying careful attention to the options presented to you.
Invoices in Xero can be updated via this process provided it still has a Draft status. Once invoices are approved in Xero, they can not be altered by Brandengine.
Purchase Orders can be altered and cancelled via this process until the PO is sent to Xero. At this point the PO is locked, and can only be altered from within Xero (and an update for the PO retreived from within Brandengine)
Splitting the Sale into Multiple Invoices
If you need to generate multiple invoices from a single quote, this can be done at the point that the quote is approved by using Quote Revisions.
NB – Each Quote (or Quote-revision) generates 1 Invoice each.
eg: the original quote contains a pen, mug and a shirt that is to be ordered.
Before approving the quote – create a quote revision for each product (or product group) that is to be ordered – in this case that will be 2 revisions for a total of 3 quotes as we want a separate invoice for each product.
In each quote/revision – select and approve only the products that will appear on each invoice (be mindful not to select the same item more than once across all quotes)
Approve each quote as normal – this will generate a separate Job and separate Invoice for each item (or group of items). These will all be visible in the same Project for easy reference.
This can not be done after the Quote has been approved for all items as this will duplicate the sales.
If this is required, you will need to cancel the original sale and follow the above steps.
If you can’t/don’t want to cancel the sale in Brandengine, the invoice split will need to be done in your accounting package.
Please Note:
Each Quote (or Quote-revision) is associated with only 1 Job
Whilst you are given the option to associate a Quote revision with an existing Job for Quote Number series, (or create a new job as shown above) – you can not split the one quote into multiple jobs.
If you require different Jobs to manage differing lead times or due dates, please create a revision/s of the original quote and perform multiple approvals to generate different Jobs. (similar to above – Splitting the Sale)
Once an “Enquiry” has had any Quote accepted – it is then converted to a “Project”
For more info on the difference between an Enquiry and a Project – Click here.