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Editing the Timeline

Timelines display the production sequence (Current Location) of ordered items, including target dates for each step.

All production steps and dates can be modified.
To adjust this sequence, click
(Located in the top right corner of each timeline)

The below window will appear:

How it works

When a job is created, the dates for the initial timeline are automatically calculated based on the Job Start Date, End/Target Date, and the default Freight Days in Transit.

The Days (step duration) and Date are interchangeable: if you set the days, the date will update accordingly, and vice versa.

If any of these dates or durations are changed, Brandengine treats them as key reference fields and automatically locks them. These locks can be manually unlocked if needed.

Important: Days are counted as calendar days, not working days

Timeline name

Displayed at the top of each timeline and in the edit window, this free-text field automatically populates with the vendor steps involved in production. It can be edited as needed

Timeline Tags

Individual timelines can have tags assigned to provide context, aid classification, and capture attention. These will also appear on the Jobs Summary screen for easy identification and filtering.

Step Sequence

Each step of production can be rearranged into the desired sequence using the grab handles at the start of each row.

Row numbers and dates will update automatically.

Reference Dates/Days

You can lock specific dates or periods (days) that you want to achieve. These locked fields will serve as reference points if other dates or days are adjusted or the step sequence is repositioned.

The Job start date on row #1 cannot be unlocked, as it is always used as a reference. However, the date itself can be changed if needed.

If date or duration changes are illogical, Brandengine will display the errors in red. These errors must be resolved before saving.

Exceeding the Job Due Date

If a date or duration change impacts the product’s end/target date you will be prompted to acknowledge the effect of this adjustment before allowing you to save.

Step Labels

The vendor name is used to identify production stages in the timeline, with “Freight” being the default name for transit periods.

You can add more details or make changes by editing the text field on the right side of the dialogue box.

Deleting a Step

A step can be deleted by using the bin icon at the end of each row
NB – this doesn’t take effect until you click Save

Location Steps

Location steps refer to points where specific actions are performed on the product/s (e.g., pick-and-pack, decoration, 3PL, etc.).

Click to add extra Locations and reposition as required.

Freight Steps

Freight steps represent the transition periods between locations or the final delivery to the client. If active shipment tracking is enabled, these steps allow for additional system automation.
To add extra Freight Steps and reposition as required, click

Freight – Days in Transit

For freight steps, the default number of days in transit is set in your company settings
Main Menu > Company-Wide Settings > Company Settings > Default Settings.

These can be changed on individual timelines as needed by unlocking the field.

Pre-Production Step
(e.g. order admin tasks before the order is placed).
This period can be configured in Main Menu > Company-Wide Settings > Company Settings > Default Settings and can be set to “0” days if needed.
The “Start date” of step #1 can also be edited for each Timeline if more/less pre-prod time is required.

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