Company Settings
If any Company Settings are changed,
~ please ensure all users REFRESH their screens for the new settings to take effect.
During your onboarding, the Brandengine Valet would have collected a range of information.
Part of this information has been applied to Company settings
These include:
- Colours and logos
- Company details
- Default settings
We suggest you check these settings for accuracy and also become familiar with their location when adjustments need to be made.
Navigate to the Company-wide Settings page
(MainMenu>Your Company>Company-wide Settings)

…then from the new menu that appears, select Company settings
(Your Company>Company settings)

You will then be presented with the global settings that can be reviewed and edited by .Administrators as needed
Colours and logos
After clicking you will be given the options to load 2 logos (the same, or different)
NB – To ensure maximum possible quality all uploaded logos should be a vector based SVG file.. This can be achieved by using “save as” in your vector based graphics package (eg – Illustrator) – If you have issues with this please contact us

Sidebar logo
This appears above the main menu to the left of your Brandengine screen.
To change this logo – click to
…then to set the new image, please click

As this menu has a black background, you are given the option to apply a white background (bg) to your logo to increase visibility as required.

Quote and Purchase Order PDF logo and colours
The logo presented on outgoing PDF documents
To change this logo – click to
…then to set the new image, please click

You also have the ability to change some of the text colours on system generated Quote PDF’s to better represent your brand

PDF colour 1 = Quote number, Quantity breaks and Total Ex-GST

PDF colour 2 = Product headings (Product name and Display name)

PDF line colour = Pricing table
(If this value is left empty – table lines will not show)
Please enter the Hex value for your required colours.
…or you can just make all text Black by entering Hex Code #00000 in both fields
Valid Hex values must start with # and be either 3 or 6 digits for solid colours
(or 4 or 8 if you have an alpha channel/transparent colours)
Be sure to click Save after any changes are made.
Company details
Company Name/Trading Name
The Trading Name field is what is used to identify your business on Quotes.
Please format this as you would like it to present on outgoing documents
The subdomain that is applied to your version of Brandengine and is used for logging in.
This can not be edited here – and is for reference only.
Ensures that system timestamps and dates are accurate based on your location.
Please ensure your web address is formatted with the https prefix
The easiest way to do this is copy the URL as it appears in your web browser when you are on your homepage.
Email Domain
This is the section of your email address that appears after the @ symbol.
(eg in the address “”)
During onboarding we setup your email domain in Brandengine to ensure all emails are being sent from you and your team – this maintains your brand and also dramatically increases email deliverability.
If your email domain changes please contact us so we can make the necessary adjustments in your settings.
Email test mode
By default your emails will be in test mode. This allows you to try out the email functionality and ensure they are formatted, and being delivered, as expected.
If during this trial you want to send a quote a client, you can override this setting in the email review window before sending.
Default settings
Default Currency
During setup we will base this on your country of origin. This setting also controls the GST rate being applied to quotes.
Quote days valid
The preset number of days a quote is valid for from the quote date. This can be overridden on a quote by quote basis as needed
Default transit days
Used (in Jobs) in the individual product timeline to help with planning. This can be overridden by Editing steps
Job leadtime days
Used to calculate the “required delivery date” for Jobs if no date is entered at enquiry stage. This can be overridden.
Show GST on quote?
Do you want the GST Inclusive Total to be displayed on quotes? – This setting can be altered on a quote by quote basis in the Quote Details tab.
Markup or Margin
The method your profit is calculated by on quotes. Can be altered on a product by product basis in quotes.
Default profit
Your preset profit percentage based on the above calculation method. This can be overridden on a quote price break level as needed
Item prefix
The beginning letters that you would like to make up your unique system generated product codes
Financial year
Your Financial Year – for reporting and target setting
Sales target is…
The basis by which Performance Targets are
- Set in “Team Members”
- Displayed on the Dashboard
These are either be based on Total Profit by month, or Total Sales by month
Initial Quote #
For defining where your Quote numbering starts. This can be up to 8 digits long if needed.
This function has been left “open” for those that want to use a yearly number convention (where the quote number is prefixed by the year eg Q230001)
NB – numbers can not be set lower than the current quote number. Brandengine will ignore such requests and assign the next sequential number.
Initial PO #
For defining where your Purchase Order numbering starts. This can be up to 8 digits long if needed.
This function has been left “open” for those that want to use a yearly number convention (where the quote number is prefixed by the year eg PO-230001)
NB – numbers can not be set lower than the current PO number. Brandengine will ignore such requests and assign the next sequential number.
Invoice days due
This defines the terms of trade for invoices sent to Xero by Brandengine. If left blank this will default to 30 days.
Production Manager
Indicate whether your organisation uses different production managers for different jobs.
Setting this to Yes allows them to be assigned at New Enquiry level.
NB – if this left set to No, Production Managers can still be assigned at the Enquiry and Project level, and can still be used in filtering and creation of Custom Views (like an Account Manager)