Duplicate Quotes, Products and Prices – Copy Quotes
The ability to create copies of quotes and quote elements (within a quote) provides many time saving benefits, these include:
- Repeating complex pricing configurations (price sets) when quoting variations in the same product
- Replicating pricing configurations and variations for different products
- Quoting repeat jobs for the same client (with the ability to Check all prices are current)
- Using existing quotes for different clients
Brandengine provides duplication capabilities in a variety of areas in your quotes.
Price Set Duplication
A Price Set is the group of line items that go into configuring a product price
(eg. product, decoration type/s, artwork, logistics, packing, etc…)
The duplication of a pre-configured price set makes it easier to quote variations of the same product. These variations may have one or more line items (like a decoration type) changed or removed to give your client options. Duplication means you don’t have to re-enter all of the line items, just edit/remove the one that’s changed.
This function can also be used to apply a pre-configured price set to another existing product in the same quote.
Duplication of a Price Set includes the quantity breaks (tiers), margins/markups and any other data modifications.
To duplicate prices, navigate to the Display Name in the required price set – on the left you will find a duplicate button

Clicking on the Duplicate Prices button gives you 2 options:

- Duplicate for THIS item
This will create a copy of the price set and place it directly beneath existing price sets for the same product ready for you to edit as needed.
When used in conjunction with the Check all prices are current feature, this duplication method is a fast way to cost up price set variations (pending available data) - Duplicate to ANOTHER item
This will move the price set to another product in the same quote.
NB – the destination item must have already been added to the quote so it can be selected
Brandengine will then run a check to see if all line items in the duplicated price set can be used for the destination item.
If any line item/s are in question, they will be “hidden” from the quote calculations (crossed out) awaiting user activation/deletion/input as required - To UnHide and use a line item/cost – click on the eye icon on the left.
To Delete a line item/cost – select the option from the hamburger menu on the left.

Product Duplication
For added user flexibility use this duplication option if you wish to make copies of an entire product record in your quote.
To activate this feature – use the Duplicate this item button located to the left of the respective product code/image in your quote.
When clicked you will be given the option to duplicate the item in 2 ways…
- With all configured pricing
- Without any pricing
…select whichever suits and adjust/popluate the duplicate as you need.
Use cases for this feature include:
- Presenting different images for product variations (eg – colours)
- Presenting/loading different visuals for decoration variations (eg – embroidery, screen print)
- Wanting to present different product variations ( eg decoration types, kits etc…) as totally separate listings on the quote – as opposed to multiple price sets under the one product listing.
Entire Quote Duplication
There are multiple reasons why you may want to copy an entire quote…
- Quoting or Processing a Repeat order
- Updating an existing/old quote for the same client and a new marketing campaign
- Sending the same quote (or variation thereof) to another client
…whatever the reason, it’s easy to do.
To start, navigate to the Actions tab on the top right of your screen.

Scroll/look down to, and click, the Duplicate quote button…

…and a new modal window will appear.

No Changes
If you make no changes at this stage – a copy of the quote will be created, given a new quote number, and placed in the same Enquiry/Project with all the same contact details.
Changing Client Contact and/or Account Manager ONLY
If you use the Contact or Account manager dropdowns to change people connected to the quote – a copy of the quote will be created, given a new quote number, and placed in the same Enquiry/Project with the new contact details.
NB – Only Users who are assigned the Account manager role in their Team Member settings will appear in the Account manager dropdown.
New Enquiry and/or Client
Use the Change button to allocate the quote to a new client and enquiry – or – to a new enquiry for an existing client…

…this will open your Enquiries summary page in a pop up window where you can allocate the duplicate quote to an existing open enquiry – or – create a new enquiry
(This Enquiries window also contains any “views” that you have created in your main Enquiries summary page)
By default – the Enquiry containing the existing quote is selected until you choose another or create a new enquiry to send the quote duplicate to.
Once you’ve nominated the destination enquiry for the quote copy, click Use selected Enquiry…

…you will be returned to the Duplicate quotes window where you can check details before Brandengine creates the quote copy as instructed.

Your duplicate quote will the be opened ready for your to use our Check all prices are current tool or make any other changes as needed.
Tip ~ If you want to modify a quote you have just sent – have a look at the Create Revision process. This function keeps the quote copies in the same Enquiry/Project and uses a version numbering system. All versions of the quotes are fully accessible.